Saturday, October 3, 2020

My heart feels full today


I celebrated my first Mass today. Yes it was on zoom. Yes anyone zooming into the mass space was encouraged to provide their own bread and wine to be consecrated. I have done that before with my community. 

Today however, is the first time I ever consciously did so as a priest. I did not simply offer my host for Bishop Ken to consecrate; I uttered the words of consecration with my brother priests. The bread and wine became the Body and Blood in my very hands! It didn't matter that it was wonder bread and grape juice, or that I was entering community remotely.  

We brought the one sacrifice of the Mass to the present.  I was amongst people who drew down the Son.

Calvary was in our midst. Jesus the Christ was among us.

How wonderful and gratifying and small and insignificant I feel for this gift. I feel like a newborn; this is only the beginning of my priestly ministry. There is SO MUCH more just waiting. I feel needed. I feel welcomed. I feel like my work has only begun!  Ugh I am repeating myself now. 

Brother Francis, you have walked with me for so long, helping to nudge me in the direction the Divine knows I should be. It is only fitting I celebrate my first Mass as a priest on your feast day. I love you!

Feast of St. Francis of Assisi 
Daily Mass Readings

Isaiah 5:1-7
Psalm 80:9, 12, 13-14, 15-16, 19-20
Philippians 4:6-9
Matthew 21:33-43