Thursday, April 23, 2020

What does it mean...

... when your personal spiritual makeup goes against where you WANT it to go?

I have wanted to be a Witch, for so many decades now.  How many times have bought the books, made the contacts, lit the candles... only to miss my Christ terribly and embrace Him once again?  I am a self-procalimed and proud left wing pinko!  And I can't get around the idea of the seamless garment of life, from "womb to tomb"; hardly an upstanding trait of a self procalimed feminist and advocate of a woman's right to choose.

Maybe these ideas SHOULDN'T be easy, maybe they are meant to be struggled with.  But it's hurting my heard today.

Daily Mass Readings
Acts 5:27-33
Psalms 34:2 and 9, 17-18, 19-20
John 3:31-36

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