Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Enemy of God

“Make no mistake: your sins make you an enemy of God.”

I read this blurb in a Catholic book of devotions dedicated to overcoming “sins of impurity”; pornography, chronic masturbation, etc.  It is set up in the spirit of 12-step self-help. After beautiful language about the all-forgiving nature of God and the help Mother Mary can give in this struggle, this sentence jumps off the page.

Let’s be clear; obsessive porn use and masturbation that interferes with actual relationships, employment, and responsibilities IS indeed a problem that needs to be worked through. Hell, you could even call it a sin if that language works for you.

Enemy of God…

The devotionals go on to blame it all on Satan, the terrible guilt we all must feel when we “fall” and the necessity of “being right with God” lest we die in a state of mortal sin.  The all-loving, all-forgiving God apparently has no issue letting His children suffer for all eternity if they do not feel enough sufficient sorrow and apologize in JUST the proper manner and formula (via sacramental confession). Does this sound all loving or all forgiving? This sounds trite, petty, and cruel. At least to me. And it is not any God or Jesus that I personally understand or would give my service unto.

Not that I believe sacramental confession is a bad thing, not at all! If we have done wrong, the confessional brings us the mercy of God in the form of a loving brother/sister. Sometimes we need the face of another to bring us peace and absolution for the things we have done wrong. And we ALL do things wrong. But to suggest that we, as Beloved Children of God, could ever make an enemy of God, just doesn’t ring true in the light of Christ.

At least not to me.

God love you!

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