I ignore the mundane everyday; I mean REALLY ignore it. The Celtic way of prayer that finds the sacred in the ordinary completely eludes me, although I thought that I had been following it all this time. No that’s not really correct; it doesn’t elude me. I have tried to elude the idea of accepting sacredness in ordinary life, not the other way around. I look for high falootin’ Dr. Strange type magic, with enormous consequences against the Dark Dimension/ Satan/Whatever.
The only problem is that this isn’t a f**king comic book. This is the real world.
All these…decades… I have been trying to distinguish myself as unique and wondrous with all my delving into so many paths; from the Knights of Columbus, Hibernians, to Wicca to veganism and everything else. I needed those labels to “set me apart”. I’m totally missing the fact that my uniqueness and wondrousness is present and shining already. Right there in my everyday ordinary life is Thomas who is Beloved of God. I say this all the time to other people, how before anything they can imagine, they are God’s beloved child and how beautiful is THAT?
Somehow I have believed that doesn’t pertain to me. I must be the one that people flock to In order to receive blessing and wisdom. And blessing and wisdom is wonderful, and it is good that I impart that when I am able; I DO HAVE IT TO GIVE. The only thing is… I keep that very blessing and wisdom at arm’s length from myself.
I have run away from simply being Beloved of God and have gotten hung up on titles and vestments and delusions of grandeur. I’m an ordinary man with people who love me; there’s no title or affiliation that can make my life any more sacred than that. I have missed the point of being a Priest. Priesthood isn’t to wear special clothes or to perform rituals for their own sake, and it CERTAINLY isn’t to be “set apart”.
Priesthood is to realize how BLESSED every single person is who comes across our paths, pointing it out and proclaiming “ISN’T THAT AMAZING??? LET’S CELEBRATE THAT S**T!!!!
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