Wednesday, January 15, 2025

NOW what???

 So now I have all the pieces in place for the life I SAID I wanted; I quit my toxic banking job, we are getting by financially, and I have 2 ministries ripe for the taking and the opportunity to go back to school.

I left my job 2 months ago and here I sit. Terrified of the next step. Or is it laziness? Or is it both terror AND laziness. 

Everyone has been extremely patient and loving with me as I navigate post 9-5 life. 

I worry that I am "hiding out" in my spirituality rather than practicing it. SO much to do, but not a dink of an idea how do go about it. Lead me Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Take one small step at a time in the direction you want to go. Good luck with your new beginnings! -- Anais
