Monday, August 17, 2020

To my progressive/left-of-center friends...

    Have you ever experienced "vote-shaming" for even CONSIDERING a 3rd party vote?

I've been told ANY vote that's not Biden-Harris is the same as pulling the lever for trump-pence. I've been told that my "privilege is showing" for considering voting for the Greens (my OWN party), even though the VP nominee for the Greens is a Black woman and union rep (Understand that I don't deny my white male privilege; I just don't believe voting for a progressive/left ticket demonstrates it).

Here's my thing... the 2 party system has brought us Donald Trump and Joe Biden for president in 2020. These are the absolute BEST electable candidates this country can come up with. I beg your pardon if this swill makes me cynical about the spot in which this county finds itself. Forgive me for not getting excited about a man who is only slightly LESS addled than the brute currently camped out in the oval office
I've not made a decision which liberal/nominally liberal candidate will ultimately get my vote. Meanwhile, excuse the f**k out of me for actually thinking about it first.
Rant over. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Adrift today...

am starting to think I am nothing more than an intricate LARPer.  

And even with that, I merely scratch the surface. I am drawn by the trappings of ALL these things – from the Church to Buddhism, from Green to Libertarian, from Knight of Columbus to Secular Franciscan to Interfaith Minister to Priest to Author, to AA member, ad nauseum.  The sounds, the sights, the smells, the WANTING so bad for things to be real and have meaning.  And then….never being able to delve below the surface long enough to MAKE it real.  Buying T-shirts and books, and books on writing and clerical shirts and stoles and statues and memberships.  And the lacking the motivation to follow any of it through.   I am a bullshit artist who DESPERATELY needs to believe in his own bullshit.  

And I don’t; not really.  

Magic and miracles and true spirituality may very well be real. I have finally admitted to myself no discipline to pursue it.  My spirituality and lifestyle is a mixture of so many different ideas and lifestyles that it is simply an unrecognizable gray slop.  “Don’t label yourself” I have heard constantly in my life and it is also advice I have given.  The thing is, I NEED labels.  I don’t know how to BE without labels.  Being schooled in interspirituality has actual broken that down somewhat.  I am on more unstable ground than when I began seminary.

Looking at my last entry and today's... I am feeling pretty unmoored.

Memorial of St. Clare

Daily Mass Readings 

Ezechiel 2:8—3:4

Psalm 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131

Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14