Friday, March 25, 2022

Right here, right now

Sometimes I just do not want to write, where I have no insightful theology and flowery words with awesome implications Today/this week/this Lent has been one of those times. I find myself exhausted, stripped bare. I do not have the energy for any pretensions anymore. And maybe that is a good thing. Maybe that is what Lent is truly about. I have found myself doing instead of sitting. Serving instead of saying. Acting in concert with prayer instead of praying because that’s what a priest is “supposed” to do.

The Divine wants me stripped bare. Without pretension. Without bells and whistles. Praying because I am moved to pray, not to check a box. Serving others because that is what a human does for their fellow humans, not because of a vague fear of eternal punishment.

Right here. Right now. As much as I loathe that song by Jesus Jones, that's what's echoing in my ears...

There is no other place I want to be.

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