Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Hello, I'm Thomas & I'm a joiner.

Part of my addiction is my identity as a “joiner”. I need to be careful of this.

I realized it last week when I noticed Rob had a Freemason belt buckle. I immediately said “I’m interested!” because in truth, freemasonry HAS always fascinated me. Suddenly here I am corresponding with him to start attending meetings and become initiated! And this SO isn’t the time to be diving into a new activity, to “join” something else. I am coming back to the priesthood, getting involved in the interfaith community, I MUST get my recovery program in order, and Jill will need me after her surgery during her convalescence. 

There’s nothing wrong with reading about them, talking to Rob, and learning new things. But I pull myself to shreds with so many things I wish to be a part of that I forget what I already AM a part of. I don’t compartmentalize well (we know this).

Smarten up.

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